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Unusually, i have just emailed the ed

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dot.haukes | 01:10 Thu 16th Jul 2009 | Site Suggestions
139 Answers
I have suggested that he gets his act together and starts using his flirting skills to persuade some of the more weak willed females on AB to try to re-discover the good natured non-bitchy side that they have lost since becoming habitual users of this site. I have said it like it is on AB, but i have seen some dramatic changes in some of the female abers who appear to have lost all sense of reality and independant thought.

P.S. this is one of my more confrontational and intimidating threads.


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Bez, are you okay?
lol he goes from snake to lounge lizard in 10 seconds.

much like his prowess with the ladies lol
thank you so much ice, i can breath out now, xx
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Sam - I had no idea as to you being a girlie or a chap (haven't seen many of your posts) - hence my question.
That ^^^ was for leg
chappy they are mainly abusive and removed

some would say hes an arse

i wouldnt say that of course
Well done sam - you were going a bit red in the face there!

Well, I've no idea why anyone should dislike a person simply because of their hair colouring. It usually shows envy, but personally, I have friends with ALL types of hair - and all lovely people.

Bez, don't know what's gone on, I've been too busy to come on here just lately.

Sorry to hear you're having some grief, lass. xxx
I had a friend with no hair
ho `````````````````my goodness, Budda is really jealous now, will go to bed when i have had a good night from pasta, dont get to upset Budda,
And I HAVE one, Suspect.
Whatever, Bez's lovely mrs chappie. Solid.
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Night Bez
I am lost now as to what has gone on so i will say goodnight to you all
I am blonde/auburn/red/black in a week as model for junior stylists. Still the same boring mentality though!
ice can you please tell me what you are on about, when have i said i dislike anyone with certain hair colour, you are baffling me now, please explain,
Night Bez. My msn's on if you want to pop on. I had another song for you.

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Unusually, i have just emailed the ed

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