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Banned questions????

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Puzzled001 | 17:26 Sun 02nd Aug 2009 | Site Suggestions
14 Answers
How do I find out why Three of my 300 plus questions and answers have been 'banned'


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click on 'my profile' top left and then 'my questions' near the bottom of your profile, look at your questions and more than likely the 3 that have the pink 'this question is banned' banner across the top you will find are duplicately submitted questions as the same question will appear.
It can only be the devils work................
Question Author
Hi, dot, the only thing that is showing is an 'amber' band with this is banned, i'm never nasty on the site so do not understand how anyone can find my posts unaccaptable, never mind there must be some funnies! out there , it just spoils my record
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I used to do a thread by Aunty Agness (the completely loony agony aunt) from time to time, until one got banned. I still don't know why it was pulled. I don't do Aunty Agness any more :-(
it was pulled because it was sh*t NoM
I just knew you'd be along next.....

Aunty A never got less than 150 posts !

pokes tongue out
I yam aving er on the big one nokno
you probably submitted the same question twice puzzle, that is the only reason i have questions banned too
I suggested that No Knowledge, but it does sound more authoratative coming from you.
Do I need to bring a bodyguard, Knobby? lol
Question Author
Thanks all, including those I would sooner not have contact with, It does seem that sometimes we have to put-up with pheasants, sorry about the 'h' lol
don't be shy puzzled names
Yes say who you mean and then I can try to avoid them too.

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