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Ed/Tech's - Clock's incorrect here...

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smudge | 19:24 Fri 04th Sep 2009 | Site Suggestions
9 Answers
Just checking My Profile, now that it's working better & noticed on the following thread, that the clock is wrong on my post. There is no way I would have been posting at that time of the morning!

How comes it's wrong there, but not on other posts?


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I noticed that too smudge on my threads, says I was online at 1am lol
Question Author
I only pressed submit once, but duplicated Q's appear. Not at all surprising really!
i cant see my answer are there any others ?

Question Author
Ha, ha, fun & games on here innit weeal. ;o}
me no likey till its fixed
oh dear, not sleepwalking (and sleep-posting) I hope, smudge? Better ask Sqad for a diagnosis.

But at least if you're accused of any axe muders at that time the times shown on your post will give you an alibi!
Hi smudge, long time no see - you OK and family too - I very rarely come on here now, take care neti x
Question Author
Afternoon all. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner jno & Neti, but I don't tune in every day.

Your post made me smile jno! ;o}

So nice to see you on here too Neti & thank you for asking after me/us. Hope you & yours are all well. Take care. ^8^ -x-
Question Author
Hi again Neti - not sure if you got to read my reply to you on Sunday.

Didn't pop in at all yesterday, so have only just noticed that the Question Author is now highlighted. Much easier for all.

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Ed/Tech's - Clock's incorrect here...

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