Not a rant but an observation, can you what the BBC had to do on their 606 board a few years ago when it became popular - especially with trolls and went from a nice friendly, banter laden site (like here used to be) to a b!tchfest full of people who are brave behind a screen (like the chat section is here now).
All existing users with a history of no trouble making or offensive postings are given carte blanche to post at will, that’s about 99% of users on here.
All newly registered users have questions and answers pre-moderated before they appear on the site until such a time it has been established they’re not an attention seeking idiot.
Anyone with unmoderated posting privileges can be given a ‘yellow card’ and revert to having their posts pre-moderated if they step outside the
Site Rules. Simple. At the moment you’ve got the resident boors champing at the bit for 5 o’clock when you slope off for a bevvy so they can get some attention in their sad, pathetic lives. It’s even worse on a Friday when you bunk off for the weekend.
IP banning would be good too.