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ursula62 | 10:58 Thu 30th Dec 2004 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers

When reading through questions that have more than 20 replies, the next and previous buttons don't work.


They take me to the holding page you get when you post an answer. This means I can only see the earliest replies, not the most recent ones. Please can you fix this?

Thank you



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I posted the same question well before Christmas & I'm still having the same problem!


If you look back on Suggestions, you will see my question & a post from bernardo with a way round the problem, that is until AB Tech's have fixed it!

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Thanks Smudge. :-)
Even Bernardo's way round the problem doesn't work for me and I still get returned to the holding page! 
To be honest ursula62 & FP, I haven't tried bernardo's solution yet. Hopefully it won't be too long before it's fixed. Happy New Year!

This technical problem is being looked into. Thanks!


The way I got round it (changing the number at the top of the screen) only worked once, and then it didn't work when I tried it again.  So it's not really a solution after all!  :-(
Well at least you tried bernardo - Happy New Year!

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