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When i was accidentally banned you(or your former you) reinstated me

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dothawkes31 | 21:21 Sat 20th Mar 2010 | Site Suggestions
53 Answers
can you find it in your heart ed to reinstate NOK even though it was an intentional ban? He's from Yorkshire like me and to us a spades a spade and we only use a shovel at the appropriate time,


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cazz remember when this site thought it couldnt do without legend but it did,their will always be other abers that will fill the void
I will miss the tw@t too, even if he was a pain in the @rse at times.
Coooeee Jan

Hi Mamya. xx
well i remembber when leggend was banned.even dot said he was ok then.
and i think she was in favour of him being reinstated too until the editor said no chance.
i dont want to argue with poodicat or dot or any of you but i think the sight has been sanitised since last year .with the exception of noway and the klowns chimps.
legend wasnt bad the last few months he was herev and i believe some people do miss his wit but are afraid to say because of the backlash.
thats all i wanted to say im off to facebook .

be good peeps
I miss legend on this site, he was a good debater, I will miss nok too, hopefully the Ed will return his name, I dont think anyone will fill the place of being "the controversial one" in case they get banned which is pretty sad and dooms the site to lots of beige postings..
when did nok get banned ?? i was wondering where he was the other night but thought he was just staying off ,what did he do ,let him back hes funny and he deserves to be here ,well said dot x
I thought that noknow was really witty. I;m sorry he's gone.
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OMG can I didress???? I've just had a 30 second power cut and You Tube carried on playing Garth in the dark how freaky was that???????
Cherry he was on here today ab editor warned him he chose not to adhere to their warning and got banned
I have to say, No Know might have been funny, but he was a bit of a bully - especially when it came to new users. I have seen him hound quite a few off the site with his belief that they were someone else. Maybe they were and maybe they weren't, but he could just as easily have ignored them rather than keep on bullying till they went as many of them were probably genuine.
I don't recall seeing him post the same message under 2 different names on one thread though........... !
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actually, it reads like it was the spare ed that banned him and though i would never dare to incur the wrath of the powers that be or she who must be obeyed i think there should be an official appeal to the actual head honcho...........craft you're my nomination
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though actually sara has a way of putting forward an argument......even though she knows nowt about much she can string a sentence together.....
Dot as the ab editor gave him a warning and should have accepted it but not him he challenged them and he was banned,do you honestly think that they will back down!!
Dot, you're such a sweetie.. thank you :o)
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Yes poodi, there is a president set and they have the capacity.
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I'm right behind you you need time to put a brief together?
ah ok i wasnt on today not been on much last few days ...not been too good ....still hope he comes back
Yes they can but do you think nok would come back after his smacked hand,dont think so and if he did he would have to be very careful on what he said!!

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