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hafren40 | 11:09 Sat 22nd Jan 2005 | Site Suggestions
3 Answers


I cannot find a "CONTACT US" route to send my queries to you.

I love the new website - but - am experiencing problems.

The following message appears each time I visit the site and I am unable to navbigate the site.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'

A floating point exception occurred in the user process. Current transaction is canceled.

/Toolkit/answ.asp, line 675

Any ideas please?

Roland Bates

Thank you



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'Contact us' has changed to 'email us' and is still at the bottom of the page.

Me too!


I went to Answerbook and others are having the problem as well.

There is a link reading Email Us at the bottom of every page.

The minor technical problem associated with the launch of the redesigned site has now been corrected.

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