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Delaying registration

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bibblebub | 20:38 Fri 10th Sep 2010 | Site Suggestions
5 Answers
Have the AB team considered delaying the confirmation of a new user's registration by 24 hours as happens on some other sites? (someone registers but has to wait a day before they receive the email allowing them to activate the account and start posting)

It might deter some of the weekend trolls if they had to prepare a day or more earlier. Or would it's effect be minimal and thus pointless?


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I suppose I should add that it's been ages since I last registered and, for all that I know, maybe that's what happens these days.
The problem with that is that the majority of people who join AB probably wouldn't bother to post at all if they had to wait a day. Many of the questions in the 'serious' parts of AB require prompt answers. ('e.g. "How do I help my son with his homework?" or "What's the best way to get from Waterloo Station to Hendon tomorrow morning?").

Of course it would be possible to prevent people from posting in Chatterbank until they'd been a member for a certain period of time, but that would probably only result in the 'idiots' posting in the 'serious' sections, thus deterring genuine new users from posting questions in those sections.

The present system of having a dedicated weekend editor (and an alert team of voluntary moderators) is imperfect but it seems to have improved things a lot since the 'bad old days'.

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at least tonight's moron (the obvious one so far) was dealt with fairly quickly
He's back as Limboid.
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yeah just noticed it

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