I'm led to believe that Moderators of this site have the power to suspend a user's account but don't have the power to ban that user.
Could Mods not be given the power to close a thread? This would stop umpteen replies (of which I'm guilty myself) being posted on abusive trolls' threads and would stop them getting off on the attention they get.
The issue with moderators closing threads is that, usually, another thread would be started called "Why was my thread closed?" complaining that this was an egregious breach of a user's right to insinuate another's mother is a dog.
Closing questions doesn't really solve anything. More powerful moderator powers are being designed at the moment.
Morning Ed, would it be possible to make the thread close automatically when an ABer is suspended rather than just close threads of those who are still able to post?
Hope that makes sense, it's Monday, I'm full of cold. :o(
I cant think of a good reason why the originator of a thread shouldn't have some "ownership" of it, so if it starts filling up with abuse, they can just delete the whole thread.
They tried to give people the power to close their own threads, AP.
All that happened was people starting posting question to rant about something and then closing it straight away so nobody could answer. I'd be sure if the power was there for users to remove their own threads then people would start to abuse it by posting something offensive and then removing it a few minutes later so they could deny it was ever posted.