It is important for you to subscribe to your question if you are hoping to get an E/mail notification of a response. I deliberately said 'hoping' instead of 'wishing' because there is no guarantee that you will get an E/mail notification. AB has been having a problem on this one but, whilst I was being subjected to it, matters have now been rectified so far as I am concerned.
In fact I did E/mail the Ed last December and had the following reply:-
Hi Ron,
Thank you for your email.
As I'm sure you are well aware, the subscribed question function is still a little rough around the edges. Although we do intend to make changes in the future, for now I'm afraid that when it isn't working our users will have to do without.
For now, I suggest that you use the variety of tabs available on your profile page to browse through threads that you are subscribed to.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
AB Ed.
Hope my posting is of some help to you Jamjar74........Ron.