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new disclaimer ?

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anneasquith | 23:55 Tue 01st Mar 2011 | Site Suggestions
88 Answers
ed, re your recent addition of a disclaimer in health and fitness. may i suggest the same information should be added to the body,& soul topic also.


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Smudge...and the point I made on the threads regarding Sqad is it's not his fault how other users view him. Their problem...not Sqads.

Personally, I don't like the FAO Sqad posts...and I don't think he does either. But it's him getting knocked for it...and that's not fair.
Yes, of course it is tinkerbell, but 'some' people are gullible & if the wrong advice is given, i,e., medication or the like, then it wouldn't be very useful to that person.
Oh yeah absolutley smudge. I like about answerbank how lots of people are so knowledgable about a variety of things,,,i guess thats why its an doh...but people do hav to exercise judgement too yes x
ummmm - as I said earlier, I've never had any problems as such with Sqad. He obviously tries to be helpful, but....anyway, you know what I think.

Everyone to their own.
That is just it Smudge, it is vulnerable people that are at risk and are more likely to come on here, get some advice and take it as gospel.

But actually ummmm I do think that Squad enjoys the FAO Sqad posts do must disagree with you there. He gets up early and looks for them ;o). He rather enjoys his status on AB in my opinion.
That's ok tinkerbell, I understand what you mean. -x-
Do you think his AB persona is the 'real' Sqad?
DT, You seem a bit harsh there towards anna, calm down already!
ummmm Yes I do!! Very much so. What you see (or read) is what you get. I think perhaps he is softer than he makes out though.
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lottie, i share your views entirely. and at least you are able to post your opinions without being lambasted for it....... the issue is some abers just dont see or refuse to see " the bigger picture "
I'm saying no more...don't want to ruin his street
Christ, soaps, just look at her remark towards me......totally unnecessary and way, way out of order and off the subject. I have both barrels primed and written/copied if she does not have the decency to come back and apologise in the next 5 mins as I am off to bed.
Anne - I see the 'bigger picture' but refer back to my first post...
It is patently obvious that DTcrosswordfan is unaware that for the 5(?) years before his sign-up to AB a disclaimer was already in place...

"If you are unwell we strongly advise you to seek professional advice from your doctor. Please do not rely on or wait for advice from Answerbank users. Also, any user posting sexually explicit or offensive posts will have their account terminated." perhaps the real thin end of the wedge was when the disclaimer was misplaced during the last site shake-up.
I never saw the earlier disclaimer, before my time, but I think it's an excellent idea. IMO - it should be bigger.
And Ed said he would make it bigger....this was only today!!
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dt just what remark are you talking about. " you have both barrels primed " ?
I know we are getting a bit off topic but Tinkerbelle has made a valid point - people pick Squad's brain just to get his views. And people who contact Sqad or ask him questions are adults; they know what they are getting themselves into. They have the last say in their well-being. Sqad is not writing out prescription for anyone.

Asking Sqad a question is the same as asking a question on any other topic whether it be computers, mechanics, law etc.
DT. I can't see that what Anne said was that bad. I really can't! I said much the same in that your post wasn't relevant.
yaaaay.................. the trilogy arrives.

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