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Books & Authors
I was reading a book about the Holy Wars at the time of Richard Plantaginate. Richard the Lion Heart leading a crusade to the Holy Land. His army included Knights of the Templar. I have left the book...
Little old lady uses the dog's bone for her soup. The dog continues to say "I want my bone, I want my bone'. Cute children's book. Favourite book of mine and my dad's from the 50s when I was about 5....
Hi I had a book of fairy tales when I was a kid back in 1970s (it may have been late 70s/early 80s) I'm trying to get my hands on a copy but have no idea who the author or publisher is. Here's what I...
Aren't his books great? Once I start reading one, I can't put it down until its finished. Anyone agree?
Going to start reading Dickie Birds My Autobiography tomorrow, reason its his birthday April 19th born 1933.There is 479 pages .Just finished Harry Redknapps 'arry 256 pages took me 6 weeks so should...
Is Brooks Baekeland still alive?
Got the new one this lunchtime. I honestly felt like a hungry diner feels when sitting waiting for a seriously wonderful meal to arrive. I am making my luxurous way through it now. Bliss ...
The plot: The story takes place in the US. A single mom is given a winning lottery number. She must allow the person who gave her the number to manage the money and collect fees. She must not divulge...
Ugly by Constance Briscoe. I am not really a book reader, but I do like to read a book on holiday. Last year I took 'Ugly' with me and thoroughly enjoyed it. It got straight into the story and kept me...
Anyone know the title of book about angel painting & spinster who came into money & moved to venice
this is a longshot......but when i was younger i had a fab picture book which was about mice decorating their 'house' before christmas.....i unfortunately did not keep it and i cant remember the title...
Can anyone help with the title and author of the following book. A story about twins, with a twist. A young woman who lives with her father in a second hand book shop and she gets asked to write the...
I had a book years ago about the monster club it had some really weird charaters, pepole whoose mouths opened really really wide and thier scream done you damage, ones who's tongues were like whips...
Does anybody know if there is going to be a television series or film based on Katie Price's novels Angel, Crystal and Angel uncovered?
This is a real long shot, but.... When I was a kid - 35-38 years ago - my gran used to keep my brother and I quiet with a book for kids. It was fairly old even then I think, and was a sort of...
i'm looking for 'from the city, from the plough' by alexander baron. anybody know of where i can get it? it's out of print and old anyway. a few years ago i went on the internet and the only copy i...
anyone know where I can get a copy of this book which appears to be out of print now. wendypol1
anyone got any good sites to download them from?
I am trying to find a mystery book aimed at kids 8-13. Its about two kids that move with their parents from the city to the country, and the surrounding area where they move to is haunted by a girl...
i have a book by daniel de foe,robinson crusoe, blue hard back cover,with an inscription on the inside cover,e crisp nov 15 1894,is or does this mean anything to anyone?