The restroom law appears to have been inspired by some level of "ick" factor, experienced by ordinary people, when someone whose actual sexuality they are uncertain, or unconvinced, of. I mean, it could be a fully hetero prankster, wearing a dress to get some sicko jollies from watching the opposite sex relieving themselves. (I've exaggerated, for effect, there, of course).
Main point is that the majority is offended and revulsed by something so a law serves the majority by outlawing it.
I say majority, when I should qualify that by saying (mockingly) the "moral majority" because, in the bible belt, they're the ones making all the laws, convinced that they speak for everyone and, sometimes, that God is speaking to them and guiding their hand, in writing these laws. You know the type?
This quote could be applied to the tiny minority, the transgender community but I could just as easily apply it to some televangelist, who could be shaping laws in your state while not being an elected official. Merely an "influencer".
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself."
-George Bernard Shaw
I have not 'analysed' the quote, as yet. Have you looked at aspects, such as embryo lionisation, or the hormonal and behavioural outcomes of rare genotypes (XXY, XYY)?
You may also have encountered this "male and female brain" concept. Personally, I've not read up on the science and, since the implication is that we're "wired up differently", I want to see some solid evidence of that, before I croak. We have the scanner technology already, do there's a good chance.