Proud Of Our Country in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Proud Of Our Country

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allenlondon | 08:39 Thu 09th Jul 2020 | ChatterBank
103 Answers
Have you heard the amazing story recently told on BBC R4's Book of the Week, "The Boy with Two Hearts"?
An Afghan family, the mother under threat of execution by the Taliban, desperate to get to the West where their son's heart disease could be treated, spent a year and a half on the road at the mercy of people-smugglers and criminals.
They made it, the son was treated and for fifteen years dedicated his life to paying back the NHS for giving him a chance of life.
Five short but uplifting episodes, leaving me proud to be British, proud that my country (once) welcomed and cared for refugees, proud of the NHS for their amazing even-handed treatment.
Worth a listen; it might even cheer you up in bleak times.



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what cheap jibe?
17:17 Thu 09th Jul 2020
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Bouncing this, as I don’t want it to get lost.
It's a shame that such an inspiring story goes unremarked because the person posting it can't resit a cheap jibe.

Yes, it makes me proud to be British.
what cheap jibe?
Prof; surely to be proud means that you are proud of something that you have done, not just proud to belong to a certain society to which you may have contributed nothing. What have you done, apart from being born British?
Think I'll give it a miss, thanks. It would upset me too much.
You'd better get someone to read the article for you, bednobs.
Same comment applies to you Allen. Being proud of your gang is a rather woolly emotion
Atheist - I'm glad a few more people have noticed the story - leave a comment.
I don’t get where there’s s cheap jibe?
It’s a lovely story Allen
Here Hamed speaks of his family's journey and gives thanks to the UK and the NHS in their part regarding his brother's heart condition.

It is a heartwarming story, I wish them well .

Prof; perhaps explain your comment at 18:24?
''... proud that my country (once) welcomed and cared for refugees...''
that's not a jibe!
Professor Maise, you’re looking for something that's not there !!
Well, Bedknobs, at least you seemed to get a reply from Prof that was aimed at you. She doesn't reply to my point at all. But that's her prerogative. Mind you, it's early days.
"You'd better get someone to read the article for you, bednobs" seems more like a jibe to me than (once) does
My contribution to this society is stories like this one - lots of them. I hope that answers your question, Atheist. But any member of this society will have made a contribution through voting, taxes and whatever welcome/help they might have provided - so, they should be proud, too.
And if you really can't spot the subtext in the OP, I've probably wasted much of my time writing my commentaries over the years.
Eh ?^^ that’s a bit heavy
Mine was a jibe, bednobs.
How about a comment on the story (if you've managed to read it)?

Or try this for more detail (the BBC's synopsis isn't much to go on).

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