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Does anyone know this book?

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lynnc3698 | 14:52 Tue 30th Dec 2008 | Books & Authors
4 Answers
hi,im trying to find a book that i read about 6 years ago. I cant remember the name of the book or the author. It was about a woman who ran away from her nasty husband who was a priest. She went to st ives in cornwall and lived in a cottage near the beach!


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I read that as well - I will try and think what it was called or who the author is for you and come back.
Question Author
That would be great! Thanks! Its bugging me! :)
Hi, I know it was a long time ago that you posted this but I have just found the book I think it might be on my (overcrowded) bookshelves. Is it this? ner/deep-deceit.htm

Sorry if it isn't
Question Author
Thank you so much! That is the book. You have put my mind at rest. Its been annoying me!
Thanks again! : -)

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