Does anyone know this cowboy story?
My father once told me � this is going back a long way, my father was born in 1903 � about a cowboy story he'd once read. When he would've read it, who knows? Maybe in his twenties, which would be in the 1920s. One scene in the story described how a cowboy arrived at a river and, deciding to wash his feet, did so by standing on one foot on a dry spot near the water, removing the boot and sock of the raised foot, washing this foot, drying it and then putting the sock and boot back on. He then washed his other foot in the same way.
As someone who has difficulty standing on one foot long enough to tie my shoe laces, I have always been impressed by this cowboy's balance control, even though it's only fictional.
Does anyone perhaps have any idea where I could trace this story. I'm guessing that it was probably in a novel.