Beating the lottery in The AnswerBank: Arts & Literature
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Beating the lottery

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woodelf | 12:01 Fri 16th Sep 2011 | Arts & Literature
3 Answers
Although set in the USA, is David Baldacci's novel 'The Winner' the only book to have someone beat the lottery and win? Ta Muchly.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I have read this one. It's called Lottery and it's by Patricia Wood.

There is also this one.
These are just novels about lottery winners though- I'm not sure what you meann by 'beating the lottery'
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Many Thanks Factor, I'll give your suggestions a look-see. What I meant by beating the lottery is that in The Winner, one of the main protagonist came up with a scheme to tamper with the lottery balls with some kind of chemical, he then found someone in need of money to take the chance to win the lottery, though making sure he got his cut of the dough.....

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