It's on my hints-like-a-sledge-hammer list of OH to buy me, along with the new Rebus. The feature on it, Two Brothers, in the Mail on Sunday was very interesting, sounds good. It sounded a bit like the Deighton book, Winter, from a long time ago.
Ben Elton? The man who killed off comedy in the UK? It's said his books are better than his TV appearances, but I'll still give them a miss, thank you.
Tilly2. apparently, Rankin brings together Rankin and Fox from Complaints. There was a video-diary programme on TV the other evening about his reasons for bringing Rebus back, it sound like New Tricks!
How can you say that the man responsible for Blackadder etc 'killed comedy' Heathfield, if anything he resurrected after years of Terry and June, Carry On and the like.