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Game Of Thrones

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Ric.ror | 20:06 Tue 06th Aug 2013 | Arts & Literature
10 Answers
Just had the first book delivered - I know I am a little behind so off to bed to read it
Anyone else read it?


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i have tried about 4 times, but can't get past 5%
I've read all of them, excellent reads, don't get attached to anyone is all I can say :)
I'm on to book 3, I enjoyed the first two books but I'm faltering now. It's quite a job remembering who belongs to who if you don't keep on reading them. I haven't watched the series on TV yet.
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I love the tv series
I know what you mean about not getting attached
I wept buckets at the red wedding
tried, really tried, but just couldn't get into it.
I've read them all and am currently re-reading the whole series [when I get the time].
Loved them all and never had to worry about losing the plot as my son has a more or less encyclopaedic knowledge of it all ;0)

Lisa x
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I believe you can get them on audible too
Yep- bloody and shocking in pretty much equal measure - enjoy! :)
Been a fan of the author since "Dying of the Light", and was thrilled when he finally published a new novel (the first GoT book). I should have realised that his writing speed would not be up to sustaining an ongoing series! Loved the first 3 books, the fourth less so, and I found the fifth a bit meandering.
i got bored at the 4th

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