I find Bill Bryson a very funny writer.
He is known mainly as a travel writer but has written books on many other subjects such as language, words, Shakespeare and so on.
I am not sure how he does it but he manages to get a laugh about every other sentence. He makes me laugh out loud and I keep reading bits out to my wife.
He is a great one for finding obscure facts about a person or country and I have lost track of the times I have run to the computer to check on something he has written and lo and behold it is true.
In one book he wrote about driving through America he came across a town called Centralia that was built on top of a layer of coal. About 40 or more years ago the coal seam underground caught fire but it was felt it would cost too much to put the fire out, so it was left to burn.
People started moving out the town but some stayed and they are still living there 40 years later even though the roads are all cracked and there is a smell of sulphur everywhere.
You can read about it here
If you have not read any Bill Bryson then dig one out.
He has written books about the UK, the USA, Europe, Australia and so on and any of those would be a fine starting point.