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Theatre Movements

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gimme_vodka | 16:55 Thu 26th Jan 2006 | Arts & Literature
5 Answers
can anyone explain, as best they can, the difference between Modernism and Postmodernism please?


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Surprise surprise Wiki has an entry:

Joni Mitchell's Big Yellow Taxi is modern

Janet Jackson's sampling of it on Got 'til It's Gone (Velvet Rope album) is post-modernism.

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thanks, have searched on the internet and not found any brief significant differences between the two. We'd very much like a basic description outlining all the differences.

'dotjhawkes' - We are looking for theatre definitions not music, but thanks for posting an answer.

gimme_vodka, that's my answer, gimme_vodka, oh, no, false alarm, I've got some, no worries, carry on, i found a brill site on post-modern theatre and how it shies away from the individual into the subjective. But i forgot.
Modernism: reaction against romanticism, privileges intellectual over romanticism, rational; think Dr. Freud or Hawking

Post-Modernism: romantic reaction to modernism, Form is subject (how something is said), irrelevance of logic, alienation from reality, art is important for what it suppresses as well as what it celebrates

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