The Traveller in The AnswerBank: Arts & Literature
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The Traveller

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blue2 | 14:11 Mon 17th Jul 2006 | Arts & Literature
6 Answers
Hi, just wondering if anyone has read The Traveller by John Twelve Hawks? I'm half way through and really enjoying it. I read on Wikipedia that he lives 'off the grid' with no credit card bank account or driving licence. Does anyone else know anything about him. (I've also read his only interview)

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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as you probably know if you have looked him/her up on the internet,nobody knows who he/she is.Many believe it is a pseudonym for a more famous writer(I`m sure you can guess what most people are thinking).All I know is that The Traveller is a great read and it is supposed to be the first in a trilogy .As for the writer who knows??
Sounds like my son , he lives off the grid but he is actually upstairs here, he doesn't conform and spends his days reading writing or usually out walking or looking at the heavens with the telescpe. He's not John Twelve Hawks he's R. A. Hawkes tho,
Are you sure dot???
What famous writer is he presumed to be?
I noticed that the book is available as an (illegal) torrent download. Still, I guess J12H probably doesn't mind - being so anti- "the system"...
I really wasn't that impressed with the book, I found it a bit slow!!! I assumed that the bit about the author living 'off the grid' was just a gimick to give the book a sense of autenticity, am I wrong and just an eternal cynic?

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