I've read books by both those authors and really enjoyed them so you might like James Patterson, who's written loads of thrillers (I'm reading his latest 'The Lifeguard' at the moment). They are very american, fast paced but beliveable and great twists and turns. P J Tracy is another good thriller read, quite violent but also full of twists.
My friend has just started me on Jodi Picoult, who is a excellant author, some romance and a really good read, very good tales of life, esp. My Sister's Keeper. Check out her website www.jodipicoult.com.
Another great author is Paullania Simmons (not sure I spelt that right!) her books are brillant, they have made me laugh and cry (like Jodi Picoult). I read Tully years ago (which is great) and her latest 'The Girl in Times Square' recently and loved it.
I've just finished The Traveller by John 12 Hawes, which was good, it's meant to be the next Dan Brown and is part of a trilogy. It was a bit sci-fi then i ususally would go for but not over the top.
My favorite book of all time is'To Kill a Mocking Bird' by Harper Lee. It's a classic, it's set in the 1930's and told through the eyes of a brother and sister, I wont say any more but would definitely recommend
Happy reading what you choose!