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weston | 20:15 Thu 08th May 2003 | Arts & Literature
11 Answers
what is zed?


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Zed is the English spoken form of the letter 'z'. It is also the name of a number of organisations and products that you can find by typing "zed" into your search engine. One of the more well known zeds is a text editor. Link as follows;
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Z-Cars as well. [on zed bends]
And Z-beds.
Also the name of the character played by Rip Torn in Men In Black.
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ZeD is a latenight variety television show from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation where the audience helps create the show via the website. The website can be found at:
So why did you post a question and then answer it yourself?
Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead
And he wont miss his motorcycle
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Question Author
Q: Why did I post and answer my own question? A: I like the concept of this site and wanted to try it out. I also wanted to see if anyone would give the as an answer.
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