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Om Mani Padme Um

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issy | 01:54 Sun 07th Jan 2007 | Arts & Literature
1 Answers
Way back in the late 1940's/early 50's we had a poem, performed round the camp fire, which had the intoned chorus "Om Mani Padme Um". I know all about the chorus and its derivations but can only remember a few verses, one of which is below. I have googled away at this but cannot locate the poem. Here is a verse:-
"The climber in the lofty alp
"May feel a tingling of the scalp.
"This is not, as some declare,
"Due to the rareness of the air."
A reference for the full poem would be most appreciated.


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Sorry to say I don't know the answer to your question, issy, but it still might be of some help to you yourself and other potential googlers to write HUM, not UM - that's the way the mantra is usually written, I believe. Good luck!

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Om Mani Padme Um

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