"...The geese hung around the barnyard the way boys hang around a drug store, and Mr. Zuckerman fed them corn and turnips to keep them cheerful."
Is "...the way boys hang around a drug store" a common expression in America? According to one dictionary, a drug store sells medicines, beauty and baby products. Why would boys hang around such a store? To meet girls?
A drugstore in America used to have a soda fountain and they sold cold drinks and food as well as the other things .I don't know when this book is set ..but for youngsters in the USA especially in smaller towns this was a place to gather socially.
And it's coming out in the cinema soon!
My children loved the story all those years ago.
Shall be interested to see if such a lovely gentle story appeals to today's young ones.
my older son's p7 teacher read it them and he loved. My 8 yr old bought it yesterday and is almost finished just wants to see the filmnow and get the ps2 game. The joys.