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Books everyone should read

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country_boy | 20:19 Fri 17th Aug 2007 | Arts & Literature
63 Answers
I've just got back into reading, can anyone recommend a book you think everyone should read before they die?
Would post in Literature but it's as quiet as a library in there!


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Oooh there's lots of that country_boy! Read it and let me know what you thought :)
cheese and rats thats all Im saying *shudders*

Look Cb, this internet lot assume my somerset origins man I love her so Im just passing the meaness on. I do love the wurzels though, a book about them I would want to be buried with.
Mr god this is anna
the flowers in the attic
the moon and the sixpence
the catcher in the rye
Q & I (by vikas swarup)
man i love her - mean I love her.
Goodsy that was exactly the part I wanted to tell him about :)
(American Psycho was one of the most pretentious piece of crap I have ever read! and to be honest, Catcher in the Rye is dull beyond belief.)

"Dune" is an incredible book huge in scope,

"Wuthering Heights" is a brilliant book, not a soppy love story as a lot of people think,

"Briefing for a descent into hell" is amazing too,

and for sheer fun :

"And to my nephew Albert I leave the island what I won off Fatty Hagan in a poker game" .
HMS Ulysses Alistair Mclean
jane Eyre - charlotte bronte
Shirley - charlotte bronte
Life On The Mississippi - mark twain
Poldark - Winston graham

ur a sick girl helliebobs!
Question Author
I get you now GS! Thought you were out tonight or did you have an accident with your straighteners me loverrr?!
Goodsy I never said I enjoyed it! It's just one of those dark moments of the book that was missing from the film (for obvious reasons) and it sticks in your head!
I was supposed to be going out but the whole evening crashed round my ears. NEver mind, I have r'internet and sh1te films, no chick flicks though.

Where in Devon are you from Countryboy?
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Best laid plans eh!
Born in Tavistock but lived in Gunnislake, then Exeter, then Cornwall for the last 21 years
Dotty, Alistair Maclean!!!!! One of my favourite authors of the war thriller!!!

Have you read any Hammond Innes. Very similar in style to AM.

country boy, if you do like war novels you can't go wrong with anything by Sven Hassel. Read his log on wikipedia, very interesting life!!!
Cornwall is the nicest. Very lucky! Have always fancied Penzance myself.

i read HMS Ulysses when i was 14 and have read lots of his since but never read any by innes actually.
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Never read a war novel Wardy, but may check it out, ta.
Penzance ain't what it used to be!! But if you're down that way go a bit further and check out Lamorna Cove, one of my faves. North Cornwall still the best area for me, especially if you like the ruggedness and the bigger seas
Hi CB - Suggest a read of 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho

And 'The Snow Leopard' by Peter Matthieson, and 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' will be time well spent too.

Few milllion others could offer but hope these are of interest....oh, and read one Mills and Boon and you've read them all!

Ta for now..
I was on Lundy ISland other day and looking across to Cornwall wishing I was there. I confess I stayed at Penstowe not too long ago.
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Hi Nickmo, cheers, read Zen, will add the others to the list (apart from Mills and Boon!)
You do get around GS!!
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BTW Nickmo - you should have plugged your book then! Can I have the link again for it please?

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