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Sunday Times/Faber Literary Quiz

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phoenixxx | 10:49 Sun 26th Aug 2007 | Arts & Literature
187 Answers
Are we all ready? At first glance it looks a stinker! Blondes 4: Bruce Gold? Drinks 3 is Alice Picture 1 is Michael Palin


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Thanks Phoneix - I'm pretty sure Blondes 4 must be the child I remember being called Effie - I read Silas Marner years ago at school - doesn't the virtually blind weaver mistake Effie's blonde hair for gold?
PS Dear all: I think I have a pretty good literary knowledge - every year I try this competiition and despite hours of research there are always a couple I just can't get. I never seriously imagine I will win it - its the taking part that's fun and I am more than happy to share with others. Thank you.
Me too.I try and contribute and help others who in turn help me. It seems fair if as many read the column take part and offer some of their answers. Phoenixxx is always helpful so thanks to rising from ashes!
Arrivals 1. is Hercule Poirot
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Arrivals 1. Hercule Poirot
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I too teach but certainly have no intention of stopping posting on this site because a fellow teacher is looking for a quick way to set a homework or research project! Perhaps I could suggest you write your own quiz or get your students to write quizzes and swap.

Anyhow - back to important matters - I think Arrivals 4 may be Sergeant Musgrave's Dance.
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By the way - is definitely Eppie in Silas Marner - I have only just finished teaching it!
Could Deaths 1 be Oscar and Lucinda - isn't a glass chuch involved?
Blondes 3 - Hilda von Einem (Greenmantle - Buchan)
Dates 1 - Girls of Slender Means (Spark)
Dates 5 - Tristram Shandy (Sterne)
Drinks 5 - Tono Bungay (Wells)
Boobies 2 - Lady Booby (Joseph Andrews - Fielding)
Boobies 3 - Dapper (The Alchemist - Johnson)
Births 4 - Rosamund Stacey (The Millstone - Drabble)
Marriages 3 - Martin Lynch Gibbon (The Severed Head - Murdoch)
Marriages 5 - Osborne Hamley (Wives & Daughters - Gaskell)
Arrivals 4 - Sejeant Musgrave's Dance (Arden)
Boobies 1 - Possibly Cloten? (Shakespeare's Cymbelline)
Could Arrivals 5 be Blackerchief Dick by Margery Allingham?
Blondes 1 - Lady Audley (Lady Audley's Secret - Braddon)
Depatures 5 I think her name is Winnie Verloc. I don't have a copy here. In Secret Agent Conrad
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whiskeypriest - an excellent introduction! However, how sure are you about Drinks 5? I wondered if it was Mulliner's Buck-U-Uppo (Wodehouse)
Thanks for the welcome Phoenixxx. I can offer a cast-iron 100% guarantee on Drinks 5. I have a copy of Tono Bungay and have checked it. Sorry!
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Don't be sorry - delighted to have a definite answer. We need to check where we are with the responses. I seem to have all the Blondes, all Dates, all Drinks, 1, 2, 3, and 5 Boobies, 4 and 5 Births, 1,2 3,5 marriages, 1,2,3 Deaths, all Arrivals, 1,2, 4 and 5 Departures and 1,2,4,and 5 Pictures. However many are guesses and posts on here. Anyone any further on?
Could Departures 1 be Michael Dibdin's Aurelio Zen in 'Medusa'?
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Dates 2 : Larkin
With all the blondes and all the drinks, it would appear the party is at your place ,Phoenixxx! However with a booby missing and four marriages under your belt I'm not sure I would relish an invite! I'm getting a bit cheesed off the with old giving birth after Macbeth question. Surely that should be a piece of cake to find. Any ideas anyone, however tenuous?

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