In the first book, Ron says that there wasn't a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in slytherin. In book 3 we learn that everyone thinks Sirius "went bad". Does this mean that Sirius was in Slytherin. If so wouldn't Harry's dad be in slytherin too seeing as they were best friends???
Well you have a good point, but if you remember, Mr. Snape was in slytherin and harrys dad and sirius both hated him, so they couldn't of been in the same house!
I'm thinking you're being a moron Bubble...
While everyone thought Sirius went bad, we learn that he didn't actually go bad. Sowhy would he be in slyherin?
also 'there wasn't a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in slytherin' does not mean that every witch or wizard that was in slytherin 'went bad'. that make sense?
Perhaps Ron, at eleven years old, shouldn't be considered a particulalry reliable source of information on matters that occurred when he was either not born, or just born!
no, James was in Gryffindor. if you remember when Harry was annointed Seeker in SS, I believe PS as the UK'ers know it, he found out his old man was too, and it showed James potter as Gryffindor's seeker. Also in the movie.
I think this is a stupid question. We all know that Sirius DIDNT "go bad" people just tought so because he was convicted of the murder of 13 people. an easy mistake to make
You're confusing the book with the film,
Bubble.Hagrid say's that,not Ron.But that's not the point.You see, like you said,everyone thought Sirius went bad,but that has absolutely nothing to do with him being in Slytherin(which he most certainly was NOT-even though his family was)And you don't HAVE to be in Slytherin to be bad.Oh,and James was definitely not a Slytherin.(How dare you?!)
no ofence I mean i'm glad ur into the books(who wouldn't be) but I am with "the freak" how dare you no way was James was not in slytherin and tho it doesnt straight out say it I dont think that serius went to slytherin either!U should be ashamed acusing them of going to slytherin!!! ( is my email peeps if u wanna talk about HP be my guest!!!)