I was watching a programme on BBC1 this morning and found out that First Edition Harry Potter books can be very valuable. I cheked my bookcase and found that I had a First Edition book of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix". It is in pristine condition and I was wondering if you could give me an estimate of how much it is worth. Thanx. Rhys Davies
That particular book had such a massive first print run that it is worth little. It is the earlier books that would have value as first editions. As a guide to pirces I suggest yuou check out EBay to see what such books are selling for.
Relative worth I'm afraid. Don't have a clue but expect �30-�40 which in books terms is pretty valuable but in "real" terms not much to retire on. My wife has a special copy of Alice in Wonderland did loads of research and found out it was really rare, worth about �80 (hardly what I would call valuable myself).
OK I'm talking rubbish, apparently the first of the first book is worth about $10,000. But just re-read your question and Order of the Pheonix like rekstout suggests was printed in such huge numbers that it would be worth little.