I read a Historical Romance book a couple years ago and cant remember the title! the main character was a young girl who lived in England. There was some sort of split between the people of the Country (something about an exiled king?) Her family were rivals with thier neighbors, but she ends up marrying the hier of the neighboring family. The Great london fire-1666-was mentioned. there is a vivid scene about her husband riding a white pony when he was a boy, and the book also centered around a white wedding dress and necklace of pearls. Please if you know the title or, even think you might.. let me know.
No, it isnt either of them
but it is set durring the time of the "forever amber" book.
I remember the cover, it was the close up of a woman, she was wearing a -red?- gown, with one of those huge ruffle things around her neck and a long rope of pearls around her neck.
I dont think it is fairly new.
I also remember the main character had a brother, and he rescued a girl from the gallows-who in turn fell for him.