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need to know about this painting also

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arielsgma | 16:21 Tue 04th Nov 2008 | Arts & Literature
1 Answers
i have a letterman painting, its 5by 4 ft, it is of deer standing by creek in forest, very nice, but i have no idea what it would be worth today, i bought it 24 yrs ago for 700.00, and its signed, and also says limited edition, if anyone would have a clue, could you please email me at [email protected], thank you so much


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If it says ''limited edition'' it's not a painting, it's a print. It should also say which number of the limited edition it is, like 25/200, where the 25 is the number of the print, and 200 is the number of prints made. The lower the second number, the higher the value will be.
There's been a lot of discussion about Letterman artwork on this site. Have a look here.

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need to know about this painting also

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