for my gcse art i've had the idea of getting a box of somekind roughly 1ft by 1ft probly smaller and turning it nto and optical illusion. what i'm going to do is make a face out of stuff like rocks seaweed and fish ect and probly dangle them on wire so its 3d. so when you look at it from a certain angle you can see the face but when your somewhere else yu can't see it.
for my research i have to find artists that do simular stuff but i can't find any. help please.
thanx for taking time to read my question and thanxin advance for any answers.
by the way this isn't cheating because you will onlybe helping in my research which the teacher helps with a lot anyway. but she couldn't find or didnt know of any artists that does this kind of art.
The only artist I can think of that uses techniques you are describing is Calum Colvin who paints over objects as you can see on his website. I hope this helps!
thanx kind of. the first one has a link to a artist from the 16th centuary who painted a picture that had a skull init. you had to look at the painting from a certain angle to see the skull. thats what i'm gonna do but in 3d.
You might have a look on youtube. Go to 'Lichtenstein installation' or 'optical illusion art' also by Lichtenstein. It's a sort of inside-out house. You can get back to me by e-mail if you want yo If you do, please do me the courtesy of using the grammar and spell checker. Good luck with the project