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The Kings Bible

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rockfordill | 13:44 Tue 25th Jan 2011 | Arts & Literature
27 Answers
Is Psalms 26: 26, 26 a coincidence or a very cleverly planted
key by King James' secretaries ?
I have always assumed that it was deliberate


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14:44 Tue 25th Jan 2011
It's your turn jackthehat to think of the next most time-consuming question!
Apologies, cupid04, but I think we all have slightly better things to do..............
Jeez! That was a waste of an hour.
the Bible accurately predicts that Al-Qaeda has nuclear weapons

I was just taking the proverbial!
It's ok, cupid.
Mrs jth had unexpectedly arrived home so I didn't have time to compose a more 'chatty' response...........

I'd forgotten about the 'Shakespear(e)' would have saved a lot of time if I hadn't.
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My thanks to Wyzard66 for that link - that answers the question most succinctly
pure fluke!

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The Kings Bible

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