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Would anyone have the words of "Changes" by Jill Brasell

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balliali | 16:51 Fri 18th Mar 2011 | Arts & Literature
6 Answers
I am doing a wee lesson on animal life cycles with children. Could anyone supply me with the words of "Changes" by Jill Brasell. I tried looking on the Internet but no joy yet. All help appreciated, please.....


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I've hunted and hunted but no luck sorry. I haven't come across it before which dsoesn't help but just didn't want you to think we'd all ignored you!
I didn't ignore it either, but could only find references about reading it as part of understanding the life cycle of frogs. :-(
Hi there -- Someone passed your message on to me, as it's my poem you are talking about. I'm intrigued to know how how you knew of it at all, if you don't have a published version! It was first published in the NZ School Journal (Part 1 Number 4, Learning Media 1991). I am happy for you to use it as part of a classroom lesson.
Best wishes
Jill Brasell

[email protected]

I haven't felt so funny
Since the day we left our eggs.
Some bumps are growing near my tail,
They really look like legs.

Well, legs are good for swimming
And flippers have their charms,
But what's this coming through my chest?
This time I'm getting arms.

I'm a funny sort of tadpole,
My tail is hardly there.
I used to gulp the water
But now I'm breathing air.

It makes me feel like croaking
As I sit upon this log.
I'm not a tadpole any more --
I've turned into a frog!

(Copyright Jill Brasell)
Hi there, apologies if this is the second reply you've received from me, I can't tell if the first one went through or not. I didn't realise I had to register to answer and it's quite a hassle. Anyway here (again) is the poem of mine that you are after. You are welcome to use is as part of a classroom lesson. Cheers, Jill Brasell [email protected]


I haven't felt so funny
Since the day we left our eggs.
Some bumps are growing near my tail
They really look like LEGS.

Well. legs are good for swimming
And flippers have their charms,
But what's this coming through my chest?
This time I'm getting ARMS.

I'm a funny sort of tadpole,
My tail is hardly there.
I used to gulp the water
But now I'm breathing AIR.

It makes me feel like croaking
As I sit upon this log.
I'm not a tadpole any more --
I've turned into a FROG!

(copyright Jill Brasell)
wow, you don't often get answers as authoritative as that on AB!
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Wow, thanks for that. I had given up hope of getting the poem but what a poem it is, not a bit of wonder it was so popular and recommended to me. Well done!! You are so kind to let me use it, but it would be a pity to hide it away without people hearing it. Rest assured your poem is now a talking point in some class of junior infants in Ireland, bet you didn't think that when you were inspired to write it. Thanks again.

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Would anyone have the words of "Changes" by Jill Brasell

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