Anybody had a spray tan? How long did it last and did it look natural?
I'm considering getting one before I go away. My legs never see the sun really and are pretty pasty looking, I have tried fake tan but never had a very good result.
Daughter has them quite often, think the key to having a natural looking spray tan is in the preperation for it,exfoliating really well,moisterising every where,(a bit of a pallarver if you ask me) and going to a decent salon to have it done,Holly has had some really good ones and a couple that were a bit ify,they dont last that long really maybe a week to ten days if youre lucky,then tend to start going a bit patchy. Good luck.
Exfoliate with those gloves you can but. Definately do not moisturise 'before' the tan .. only after when you've washed off the excess after deloping time is up!
i have spray tans quite often and i have found the colour to be quite natural although you would not think that in the irst 6 hours before the wash off. i shower everyday so find that they dont last that long, probably max of 3 days. If you bath then it will wash off quicker
also ratty ... as you're stood there being sprayed .. slightly bend your knees (for the front spray) & bend your elbows (for the back spray ) .. reason .. spray tan can escape creases in the skin that naturally occur in these areas!
I think the previous answers have covered everything, but just wanted to recommend a really good spray.
Not sure if you've tried Fake Bake, but you can get it in a mousse or spray. Fake Bake Extreme (mousse) is great if you want a deeper darker tan, or just use the spray (can't remember what it's called now, but it's in a silver can with Pink writing) which you can build up.
Some does come off in the shower, but spray lightly every three days and you can maintain it. You can also use it on your face.
I used to have sprays, but I just found it was gone after 3 or 4 days and you never knew how it'd turn out.