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at what age does a woman start to look old

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postage | 10:32 Tue 30th Aug 2011 | Beauty
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bobbie me too, i wouldn't wear twin set and pearls, nor anything tweedy, gotta get down wiv der kids, is that how it goes?
Lol Michaelzz...see..that's what I'm talking about!! =)
the only thing I draw a line at would be the mini skirt and long hair, both look gruesome on older ladies
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" draw the line at mini skirts and long hair ".................. what about tats and piercings, bobbio ? LOL
I'm saying nowt Anne...LOL
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When she buys that practical white cardie......
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I think generally people start to look older, and I dont mean old, I just mean an age where people stop referring to them as a young woman from about 35, whilst most women seem to feel that they look younger than their age, in my experience I think that a good level of grooming will make a woman look better, but not young, signs of ageing set in properly in mid to late thirties.

and like trim says, its about perspective, a man of 60 may view a woman of 40 as young looking, where as a man of 25 may view the same woman as old
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I tan very easily and don't have a wrinkle in my skin RH
maybe it's because I don't smoke perhaps :-)
The sun hasn't pre-aged those living in the tropics
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that, if anything, ages a persons skin
when she tries to look 15 years younger instead of good for her age.Grooming is all important and adapting fashion to suit you.
I look quite young, until I stand next to my 17 year old daughter. then I look like a middle-aged hag.
smoking, drinking alcohol and a poor diet all help to hasten the affects of ageing

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at what age does a woman start to look old

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