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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Thanks Woof, I have replied. x
Woof - have left you a message re dogs on your Facebook page x
thanks Lottie.
oh, that looks nice, Lottie, just the thing for Morrisons, though I might have to find something a bit fancier for Asda.
lovely but not big enough around the bum.
Believe me Woofy, unless your bum is ginormous then they are very roomyh around the bum. I have bought a size too big and I reckon it measures about 26/27" across the width. I wanted it really big and sloppy. The picture is deceptive.

Oight oight, xxxx
I bought it, also some jeans. When i am living in a cardboard box on cold value baked beans (but with a fabulous wardrobe lol) I will blame you lot!
Good morning all. Dull and miserable here - as is the weather!!!

Good on ya, Woof - but I didn't recommend buying jeans as well. ;o) You will find the sleeves a tad long, but they roll back easily. Can't find any pj trousers I like - I don't want fluffy bunnies, cartoon characters, etc, just plain warm soft trousers that wash easily. I shall keep looking.

Mr LL has taken Meggie for walk and I have some computer time to browse!!!
Its not grey here today, its black. Dogs have gone back to sleep and I have the heating on. Planning to go out later, also got to empty out and shovel out the car cos its going for service on monday. The lovely people collect and deliver, also valet it, all for free but I think I should shovel the worst out!!
the jeans are lovely, corduroy jeggings, so cosy, I have the red and have gone for conker brown.
A'noon was thick with fog earlier. I look fabulous in a pea-souper :) but it's brightened up now. Maybe my gardener will show up today...?

Nice snuggly top Lottie... have you got a sainsburys, they have them in there for about £12?...I was going to buy one last time it was 25% off but I got distracted and forgot. I did buy some checked pj bottoms - only £6 with the offer - and they're lovely, soft brushed cotton. I very rarely look at M&S at the moment, they seem to have lost it again, they need to keep up, we don't want to be looking like old biddies.
lol woofy, I'll be in the box next to you...
haha Robi, you're lucky, I can be seen even in the densest fog, but maritime regulations still require me to sound a foghorn just in case.
Well we might be sounding the foghorns again tonight, it's got that misty look out there. Shame the sun didn't stay out, it would have been a lovely day, but I did a bit of tidying after the man & his mower had been. I think I'll have to put a hairnet on the cherry tree.
bit of a nothing day so far, though I did walk to the doctor's in the rain to pick up a prescription. I might sit down and watch War Horse in a while, though since I loved the totally non-realistic stage version I will probably be disappointed by the realistic film version
One of my enduring memories of the Jubilee barge trip was seeing the Queen and Prince Phillip watch the Warhorse galloping across the theatre roof and how much they seemed to enjoy it. I hope Phillip is keeping well, he's not in the news a lot of late......
We have fog forecast for tomorrow and sunday mornings. I love to hear the fog horns go but it screws up dog walking.
A quick oight oight. I have blurry eyes tonight - am seeing double!!! Spent too much time on my DS today.
Have I told you about shughy's latest game? The boys bicker and jostle like human brothers and if Rab is up on my bed first, he eyeballs Shughy and won't let him get up. Shughy then sits by the bed and squeaks pitifully on and on and on. I thought I had solved it by teaching them to get on the bed and lie down together for a treat. This worked fine for a while then Shughy decided that if he got back off the bed again, he could get a second treat! Fool that I am, I gave him one for a couple of nights but drew the line when he started trying for a third one.....he really is a monkey.
Oight oight all.
it's getting light out there... never mind, another week and the clocks will go back and it'll be dark by noon :-(
Morning all...
foggy again.

Where's shaney? Has she sewn herself inside a duvet cover?
Neti is probably out looking for a hija to adopt...and Jude must still be doing a fan dance at the Folies Bergere.

Love the dogs woofy...Macpoodle had a crafty trick or two. His favourite was to pretend no one had given him his dinner by nudging his bowl across the kitchen floor and looking 'hungry'. I don't know how many times he almost fooled us with that one.

Bless your dogs Woofy. Our animals keep us constantly amused. I wouldn't be without them for the world. I don't think I would survive - and that is honest!!!

Robi. Our nearest Sainsbury is 20+ miles away. We have a Morrisons which I love and a very small Tesco, which I loathe. The joys of rural living. Mr LL is chaffeuring me to Tesco's this pm to look at pj trousers. I daren't buy any one line in case they are half mast - I want ones which come to the floor!!!

It is gloomy and dull, but might brighten apparently.

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