Good Morning Early Birds! in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 03:54 Wed 26th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
142 Answers
Wednesday and it's halfway through the week already! Yesterday was lovely. I spent a lot of time arguing with weeds. I won! :o} I need a good massage this morning! Such is life.

Have a happy day everyone.

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morning wbm little buggers them weeds!! keep appearing don't they, how you been keeping m8?
Goodly morning ma dahlinks xx

Cuddles for my cuddlyone. x

Boaty, they only let you think you've won, you do know that don't you? :-D
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Morning bernie. :o} Not too bad in general mate thanks. The warm dry weather helps.

How are you> :o}
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Morning labs. xxx I do indeed, but I was trying to forget that for a daisy or two. :o[
morning albs mega cuddles xxx-not bad wbm thx plodding on
lol Boaty x Don't blame you, what you could do with is a Minty McDimmock :-)
If the weather carries on this way today, I'll get the grass cut this morning, but not too early, don't want to upset the neighbours.
Cuddlyone, how is Mrs Cuddles? Wasn't she a bit poorly some time back or was it mum?
(Sorry, it's early!)
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Nice one bernie. :o}

Our minty has already said she would if she lived closer albs. I'm trying to tempt her to move! :-D not a chance!
both were albs but they are both well now mum had shingles and o/h had shoulder probs but both sorted thx how's you xx
keep trying Boaty! Maybe you could entice her to a busman's holiday? :-)
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I'll promise her a good lunch every day. :o}
oh well best get ready for work don't fancy it today but needs must i suppose
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Have a good'un mate. Look forward to a nice evening. :o}
glad both ladies are not better xx
Am well thanks, (I think)
Morning Boaty x albs x bye cuddles x....lovely morning here....off into town to dentist today....quelle fun !
where the hang did the NOT come from? Obviously am glad they are BOTH better!
Take care cuddlyone xx
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Morning minty xxx Will I come and hold your hand? :o}
Morning Minty xx
Is your dentist a dishy one?
When the young albas were in primary school, they had a handsome dentist but he was promoted :(
morning mm xx hope all goes smoothly xx cuddle
albs your fit xxx
bye all have a great dayx
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I have a lady dentist. She's very good, she knows I'm wimp! :o}

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