Dvd Green Screen in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Dvd Green Screen

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nailit | 17:30 Tue 23rd Dec 2014 | Technology
13 Answers
posted this yesterday http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/ChatterBank/Question1388456.html
but seem to have been barking up the wrong tree.
Have purchased a new flatscreen HD tv. Tv picture is great but dvd player picture is mostly green and unwatchable. Have tried my dvd player on my mums tele and it works fine on there.
Have since googled dvd green screen and it appears to be a common problem with modern tv's. Unfortunatley I cant make head nor tail of the solutions offered. Lots of talk about S video cables, making sure dvd is set to component, RGB/composite scarts, setting dvd to RGB out etc. Im a techno dunce and this might as well be martian.
Can any ABer here make it simple for me to get my dvd picture back to normal?
If anyone can google dvd green screen or something similar and translate advice offered on other sites into plain english for me I would be very grateful, or if you know anything about this problem and can help me out it would be great,
many thanks.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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How are you connecting your dvd player to your tv?
Does your dvd have a hdmi socket?
Have you tried a HDMI cable?
If your DVD player is too old and doesn't have one I would buy a new one.
Question Author
hc, thanks for quick response. Connected by scart lead. Dvd is an old one and doesnt have hdmi.
How is the dvd connecte at the moment? Probably scart cable.

What other connections does your tv and dvd have?

I recently changed my video and dvd setup to a dvd recorder. When connecting Skybox to recorder via scart, picutr was unwatchable.

I now have sky connected via scart to phono lead - no problem.

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talbot, its looking that way but it plays fine on my mums flatscreen
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Tuvoc, tv has various connections but dvd only has scart
for me, in the past, the picture being green has always been about the plug not being in the socket as fully as it needs to be
If you can get a scart to phono cable try that. There are more connections in a scart cable than in phono cables, so less to cause interference.
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bibble, scart fully plugged in.
Tuvoc, will have to google that thanks, dont know what a scart to phono cable is (I DID say I was a techno thickie)
Looking on other sites it appears to be a common problem even with new dvd's
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thanks to all who replied to this post.
Have borrowed my mums dvd player and that works well on my tv. Guess my own dvd is an ancient piece of kit thats incompatable with a modern tv. Will have to get another player after crimbo.
Thanks again for you help guys.
Just seen this post nailit, I have the same problem and it isn't sorted yet. :[
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AYG, I googled dvd greenscreen and it appear to be a common problem. As I stated, Ive tried a more up to date dvd player (my mums) and that works a treat. Will have to get a new dvd player in the new year.

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