toothpaste claims in The AnswerBank: Beauty
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toothpaste claims

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pimlico | 13:59 Mon 02nd Jun 2008 | Beauty
10 Answers
does anyone believe the claims toothpastes make - for whitening, enamel rebuilding etc? Anyone have a toothpaste to recommend?
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No, they don't work.
crest whitening paste works a treat!

its cheap too.
I noticed that Blanx whitening made a big difference! Other people commented as well! My teeth are pretty white naturally but it did seem to work.

Also, there is a smokers powder...cant remember what its called, its green and a in a little white tub....thats quite good too!
Pro-Enamel works and does help re-build enamal. I have seriously sensitive teeth and after having fillings I couldn't bite down or eat nd drink without pain!

I use it daily and it is fab, i have no pain at all now!

Whitening ones havent ever work for me!
I have very sensitive teeth and have been using a gentle whitening sensydyne. I just changed to Arm & Hammer Enamel Care Sensitive and OMG!!!!!!!! What a huge difference. Run your tongue over your teeth after using and they feel smooth like glass, as though your dentist just polished them. This morning the lights in the bathroom actually reflected off them!!! I'm definitely a believer in this toothpaste AND it's cheaper than what I was using before.
Ooh I'll be trying that last one.

Think the powder is Eucryl, usually ridiculously cheap from Wilko's , Bodycare and similar.

I've used it before and found it pretty good for removing stains and have had my teeth commented on after it. Find it best used with an electric toothbrush though.
The Arm and Hammer is on promotion in Superdrug at the moment - BOGOF if I remember correctly, but I think that offer ends next Tuesday.
These work.... get them on Ebay

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thank you all very much - I'm off to Supoerdrug now!
If your fair-skinned get a tan.....teeth look whiter on darker skins or dark lipstick

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