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Artificial Nails

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DSJ | 11:19 Thu 04th Feb 2010 | Beauty
6 Answers
Have any of you ladies used artificial nails? If so, can you please give me a few tips?

Are they easy to stick on, easy to take off, and how long do they last?

I also wonder if, once used, they have to be thrown away. Any advice or information gratefully received.


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Do you mean the one use ones that you get for about £6 in Boots?

I have used them a few times, both the preglued ones and the ones that come with separate glue. The preglued ones are ok so long as you never wash your hands, any water makes them come unstuck immediately.

The separate glue ones stay on better, they can stay on for up to a week, as the glue is basically superglue. With practice you can get them on straight and manage to keep the glue away from the cuticle. They are difficult to get off, you can either pick them off (bad for your nails and sometimes sore) or soak them in nail varnish remover (the false nail remover stuff they sell is just nail varnish remover). This takes hours!

You can also get them done in a salon, either ones that last, you get the upkeep done every fortnight, or one use ones that stay on a couple of days
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Thank you, Chazza. The ones I have bought are Elegant Touch Classic French, 24 nails with separate tube of glue. I've also got the Get 'em Off remover intended for use with these particular nails.

Using the remover, do you pour some out into a container and then soak fingertips in it? I am afraid to use the nails unless I am certain how to get them off. The remover doesn't have printed instructions on how to use.
Yeah i used that stuff once, hated it! It's just nail varnish remover which you soak your fingernails in until the nails dissolve. It took hours for this to happen with mine though. I just pick them off, not the best for my nails but my nails look horrible anyway so it doesnt really matter to me!
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Thanks. I'll have a go when I've got plenty of time on my hands!
I've used these loads of time and they are dead easy, much quicker than painting your nails. They're also not too difficult to remove - I just pull them off. Just make sure you take the glue with you in your bag as they have a habit of pinging off from time to time.
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That's good advice, karenmac60, thank you.

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