How many of you "Cleanse Tone & Nourish" your skin every day? What about those expensive anti-wrinkle creams, are they worth it?and do you feel the benifit.
Or, are you like me wash with Imperial Leather soap, & rub a bit of Nivia in when I think of it.
(& people still think I'm 10years younger than I am)
Not a chance jem, I'm lazy! Wash my face with dove soap. and then I slap on a bit of moisturiser, whatever takes my fancy, not bothered which one really, whatever's on offer! all do the same job as far as I can see!......don't do anti this that or the other! Waste of time and money!..............we are what we are!..............I'm told that I look good for my years!......Think it's all about the way we feel about ourselves................
I never use soap on my face........I've used Clinique to cleanse, tone, and moisturise for the last 20 years.....I also use their 7 Day Scrub.
Considering my age and the fact that I smoke my skin is quite good.
Bit like welsh except that I don't like Dove, I use whatever soap or cleanser comes to hand, then moisturise the face when I remember. Face doesn't look too bad for the age of it!
i use johnsons 3 in 1 wipes to remove my makeup at night and then plaster it in astral cream,
and use johnsons baby soap when i wash my face in the morning, followed by astral again.
sometimes at night, if/when i can be bothered i use liz earles cleanse and polish and skin toner, but that isnt too often really.
simple cleanse, tone and moisturise. all the expensive creams are crap that is full of chemicals. good, clean, simple stuff is all that is required if you are committed...x
errm no not really boxy,
i think the cleanse and polish is about £13 for 100ml and the toner, which does smell lovely and fresh and leaves your skin feeling quite alive and zingy, costs about £12 for 200ml.
i might be wrong on the prices because ive had most of mine bought me as prezzies at christmas and birthdays etc.
it is nice though, a nice little luxury when you feel like having a little pamper now and again.
Thanks for comments everyone.
You all have your own little routine it seems and different things suit different people.
I must say I might give 'Liz Earl' another look, I think my skin needs refreshing but I'm happy with it and the wrinkles (laughter lines) have kept at bay.