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Has anyone tried one of those Circulation Booster machines which are around now,I suffer terribly with aching feet and legs..really painful. As these machines are not very cheap £100-£130...
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i used to do at least a 40-50 minute run in gym 5 days per week at 7.3 mph non stop. now i have started lifting heavy weights after my running, i now do 30 minutes running then go onto to do around 45...
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I had a health check today, which is designed to calculate my risk of heart disease/diabetes/etc. They did the usual checks - blood pressure, urine, took blood for tests, measured height, weight and...
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i've seen these advertised as an aide to quitting smoking? Are they safe? Arkopharma Ntb Peppermint Cigarettes Many thanks Kate...
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Ive had 3 colds in 6 weeks....i cannot get over feeling poorly. last sunday as in 8 days ago i had stomach pains and felt sick, couldnt eat. this lasted all week and i thought i was feeling better but...
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Is Alcholism hereditary?
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which is the best zumba dvd for absolute beginners please ?
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Basically, everytime I eat onions, especially raw onions or onions that haven't been completely cooked, the next day I can feel REALLY ill! I've noticed a definite link between the two and sometimes...
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It's getting worse, The sink needs filled with hot water to do the dishes, I need to go. En route, it happens, which is not very nice. I', doing the doc thingy but have to wait for an appointment.If...
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on my SIL.UPdate for sqad.. Last sunday my sil was admitted to hospital again with his Gallbladder and stones. and was told they would operate, then monday,tuesday,wednesday and finally yesterday...
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Well, I ask this because I always used to love ham or bacon sandwiches for an evening snack before I went to bed. I now find that if I eat either before bedtime im up 2 or 3 times in the night...
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I have a small wart about 4mm across on the palm of my hand, It only appeared a few months ago. I purchased the above product, saying "removes with 1 treatment" I am now on treatment number...
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I`ve just done a blood test and my count came up @ 5.9 before anything to eat or drink, seems a bit high for usual count of 4.2.
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Over the last year, every now and then I get a sharp shooting pain up the right side of my neck. It is so severe that I can literally shout out and have been known to drop something ive been holding...
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Bit of a strange one this, and I'm quite certain it's more of a mental issue rather than my ears being too sensitive... Basically, I can get very irritated by strange/continuous/unnecessary noises. It...
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I frequently wake up during the night with a crampy pain in my upper outer right thigh. This only happens if i am sleeping on my right side. I never get the pain during the day time. Its very...
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My stomach is turning already and the sheer thought of it.... I must be one of many who get into a state about such a visit :(...
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I helped this very elderly woman unload her shopping in the supermarket today onto the conveyer belt as she was not managing, it so happened her fingers were of the description of what I can only say...
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My mother inlaw is in hospital after having a stroke. All of left side is paralised and she can't eat, drink or speak. The nurses are able to clean the front of her teeth but she clamps her teeth...
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Any experience of the above? What's it like? What are the benefits? What does it cost? Any dangers? TIA

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