night sweats and chest xray in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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night sweats and chest xray

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Nini74 | 18:19 Wed 06th Jul 2011 | Health & Fitness
8 Answers
finally managed to see my doctor yesterday about night sweats i've been having for a few months. she wants a urine sample, fasting blood tests and a chest xray - all of which are being sorted out tomorrow. Should i be worried about what they may be looking for? i'm a bit concerned as I'd assumed she would suggest i was having early menopause or something. i'm 37 and smoke (although this scare has kick-started me into an effort to give up!) x
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Night sweats are a symptom of TB which may tie in with the chest x ray. I`m not trying to be alarmist but maybe she`s just covering all angles.
There can be many reasons for night sweats, your doc is doing the right things.
Do you have any other symptoms?
It simply sounds as if she's trying to 'cover all the bases' (to use a horrid American term!).

Excessive sweating can be linked to (among other things) leukaemia or HIV (hence the blood and urine tests) or to tuberculosis (hence the X-ray). But it's probably still far more likely to be the start of the menopause.

Commonest things occur commonest and I would suggest that the commonest condition would be hormonal.

Other conditions are way down the list and TB and cancer (chest X-Ray) right at the bottom of the list.
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thanks all x
i'll keep you posted x
If she knows you smoke, the chest x ray might be a just in case. Gps are being pushed hard hard to health promote to smokers at the mo.
If you look inthe mirror and find you have a pink blotch ( like too much blusher) on each cheek which you never used to have, this is another symptom of TB.
Chest x-ray could easily be to check for cancer. Or for tuberculosis exposure as coughing and night sweats are a symptom of that as well.

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