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Looking A Pratt

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joggerjayne | 12:02 Wed 21st Sep 2011 | Health & Fitness
22 Answers
Well, I've been doing a new butt exercise.

You lie on your back on a bench, with your head towards the cable machine.

You set the cables about half way up.

You put your legs in the air, in like a "V" position, and attach the cables to your ankle straps (that part is a bit tricky!).

Then, you pull your legs down so your feet are together at the bottom.

It's a great exercise ... a real killer butt burner.

But I can't help wondering if, how can I put this ... you look a bit of a pratt?


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If you're doing that in a gym, then you're surrounded by like-minded people, so they won't think anything of it. If you're doing it in the privacy of your home, draw the curtains so the neighbours can't see you, and carry on!
if it is what i am picturing in my head, then yes you'd look a pratt, although some might say 'erotic'.

i bet you fart a lot doing that.
I agree with booky but what's it supposed to do?
If by "bench" you mean a park bench, then yes you probably look a little silly.
I always look a pratt at the gym... I just don't care enough to worry about it though. At least I'm going...
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Tones your bum, johnk.

Ankou ... the risk had occurred to me !!

(and the danger of "sweaty patches"!)

bookb ... I think you're right.

Well, I'm off to the gym now, so I'll let you know if I get any "you look a pratt" comments.

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LOL chuck and China ... x x
Everybody looks like a prat in the gym!!
Do girls fart?!!
You may look a bit of an Yabbie but at least its a nice one.
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"Everybody looks like a prat in the gym" ...

LOL, LOL ... well, certainly a lot of people do !

What's a "Yabbie" ?
A yabbie? Isn't it the northern word for a pratt?
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I don't know. I suppose it could be.
haaaaaaa ha Ed's bin changing the words again - that was .ar@e
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Aah ... that would've made sense.

Also explains why "an" Yabbie.

Well, one has to work on one's derriere.

But it's a shame we can no longer type the word "arse" !
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obviously you can.... will the video be appearing on you tube?
Tried the bedroom version? : )
My mate tried the bedroom version albags, her old man came home with a bunch of flowers for their anniversary, he went into the bedroom and there she was in the "v" position. "Whats up love he said haven't you got a vase"
^ LOL!!!

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