Mr Fruit had blood tests last week and doctor has ask to see him in a couple of weeks regarding his potassium what happens regarding pottassium can it be high/low what is usually the treatment for it?
Thank you for the links guys v helpful we not sure til he sees the doc if it's high or low but he does eat a banana a day ginge wouldn't have thought that was excessive though
I had low potassium once, I had gone to hospital after a severe asthma attack and they kept making me drink this foul tasting pink liquid to replace my potassium, I didn't think to ask why I needed it. The nurse at my GP surgery told me that according to the hospital discharge letter I had been suffering heart failure due to low potassium probably caused by dehydration.
In 99.999% of cases where the potasium level is either raised or lowered in an otherwise healthy person with non underlying pre-existing medical condition with no medication.........the the result of blood abnormal potassium levels is of no material significance.