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Drinking Water

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Matheous-2 | 06:29 Tue 22nd Jan 2013 | Health & Fitness
5 Answers
Can anyone verify that drinking iced or chilled water is detrimental to your 'good bacteria' in the gut?


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I don't believe it. If bacteria hadn't evolved to cope with gut conditions they wouldn't still be around in our guts.

Bacteria survive in conditions far more extreme than those receiving water that had been chilled when it was swallowed.
By the time that the "iced water" got to the place where the bacteria " lived"it would either be absorbed into a warm blood stream or no longer iced water.

All those wee bacteria screaming because it's too
In gut, no one can hear you scream !!!!!!
Wouldn't the acid from the stomach kill-off some of these bacteria?

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Drinking Water

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