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owdhamer | 22:09 Mon 28th Jan 2013 | Health & Fitness
8 Answers
Sqad old pal I am having trouble swallowing regurgitating white mucus,any ideas.


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sorry you are not feeling so good odd...if I see sqad before you I'll direct him here...he's usually around early morning...hope you are a bit better soon.x
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Ta Minty
Watcha! owd....I have been watching your posts with have made a hit with the ladies.

I must assume that the hiccoughs are persisting and that the difficulty swallowing is for liquids AND swallowing.

There are many causes for this owd and you need further investigations to determine the cause and these may well include an MRI scan.

I cannot be more positive at the moment owd, certainly not until investigations have been established.
typo////"liquids and solid"
Good day to you Sqad my are a wee treasure you know..where would we be without your surgery ? xx
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I have been un able to keep down even a sip o water
hi owd. was logging off but saw your post and thought i would just stop and say hello. sorry to hear about your problems. do hope you manage to get something sorted out soon. hugs and kisses to you and mrs owd. (((xxx)))
Good morning owd my lovely, sorry to hear that you seem to have had a bad night with your swallowwing problems. xx

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