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Tension Headaches?

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Ann | 00:50 Sun 17th Feb 2013 | Health & Fitness
13 Answers
I have had a headache at some time of the day most days for the past two to three weeks. I am getting a bit worried now but trying to reassure myself it can't be serious as they tend to come and go. I think it could be eye strain due to looking at the computer screen but what can I do - I do have lots of reports to write! Anyone help please and reassure me it is not something serious. I have no other symptoms like sickness or visual disturbance.


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Thanks Chris - very helpful articles. I do sit for long periods at the computer often in a dark room so maybe it is the screen glare. Thanks for advice.
What time of day is it Ann?

Is your room ventilated and are you well hydrated? This cold weather can prevent both. Make sure you have a break from your screen and a walk in the fresh air. See if you can change your routine and break the headache's habit.
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It can come on at any time of the day maydup, mostly evenings but sometimes in the morning too. Once or twice it has come on if I wake in the night so it may be posture as I have a job getting comfy pillows. I try to drink enough but I am often thirsty during the night so sip water.
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Off to bed now as its not helping sitting here looking at the screen but needed advice. Thanks - nite nite x
If you're thirsty at night and getting headaches, it might just be worth a chat with the GP.
sometimes not drinking enough can cause you to dehydrate and get headaches.
Ann....why do you diagnose this as "tension Headaches?".......there is not enough information that you have given to make some assumption.

They may well be of minor significance and may well be associated with laptop glare, but much more information is needed.

Which part of the head do they occur....back, side, front.......are they aching or throbbing? Are you on any medication for a pre existing condition? And so on.
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Hi Sqad. I'm on daily 5mg Amlodipine (taken in morning) and 10mg Ramipril (at night) for high blood pressure. Been on them 3 years and at every 6 monthly BP check it is spot on so completely under control - due next check in 2 weeks time, so hoping thats not gone haywire. The pain is hard to explain, just a nagging ache really, not a violent pain, mostly at back of head but sometimes coming over top of head. Not worse by coughing or bending down. Last night started again just as I put head on pillow so I did resort to taking 2 paracetemols and after an hour managed to sleep soundly. I did sleep with the window open a bit so perhaps that helped. I try not to take many tablets as I know it can make them worse. This morning my head just feels a bit fragile, no pain as such and no blurry eyesight etc. Maybe I just need to get out in this lovely sunshine! Thanks.
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PS. I also take Colofac and Lansoprazole daily + fish oil + glucosomine (all taken for years)
Well, from your description it does sound like a tension headache although one might need to exclude cervical spondylosis ( wear and tear of the neck bones.
Just noticed your thread and wondered if you are taking pain relief for these headaches? I went through a period of getting headaches every day and took paracetamol for them. This continued for a month and when I went to my GP he described what I had as "medication-induced-headache". The cure was to stop taking pain relief! At first, the pain was much worse, but within a week, the headaches stopped. Don't know what caused them in the first place, but could be tension etc. and the daily use of paracetamol made it worse. Hope this helps.
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Thanks TopKat, I do know that fact so I try not to take anything unless it gets really bad or in the night, like last night when it stopped me from sleeping. Thanks everyone for your help and advice.

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